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Saturday, 24 December 2016

कम्प्यूटर की विशेषताएँ

6. कम्प्यूटर की विशेषताएँ प्रत्येक कम्प्यूटर की कुछ सामान्य विशेषताएँ होती है । कम्प्यूटर केवल जोड करने वाली मशीन नही है यह कई जटिल कार्य करने मे सक्षम है।कम्प्यूटर की निम्न निशेषताएँ है।  वर्ड-लेन्थडिजिटल कम्प्यूटर केवल बायनरी डिजिट पर चलता है। यह केवल 0 एवं 1 की भाषा समझता है। आठ बिट के समूह को बाइट कहा जाता है । बिट की संख्या जिन्हे कम्प्यूटर एक समय मे क्रियान्वित करता है वर्ड लेंन्थ कहा जाता है । सामान्यतया उपयोग मे आने वाले वर्ड लेन्थ 8,16,32,64 आदि है। वर्ड लेन्थ के द्वारा कम्प्यूटर की शक्ति मापी जाती है। तीव्रताकम्प्यूटर...

कम्प्यूटर अपना काम कैसे करता है ?

5. कम्प्यूटर अपना काम कैसे करता है ? दोस्तों आज हम सिखेंगे कम्प्यूटर अपना काम कैसे करता है ?  1.इनपुट के साधन जैसे की-बोर्ड, माउस, स्कैनर आदि के द्वारा हम अपने निर्देश,प्रोग्राम तथा इनपुट डाटा प्रोसेसर को भेजते हैं । 2.प्रोसेसर हमारे निर्देश तथा प्रोग्राम का पालन करके कार्य सम्पन्न करता है । 3.भविष्य के प्रयोग के लिए सूचनाओं को संग्रह के माध्यमों जैसे हार्ड डिस्क, फ्लापी डिस्क आदि पर एकत्र किया जा सकता है । 4.प्रोग्राम का पालन हो जाने पर आउटपुट को स्क्रीन, प्रिंटर आदि साधनों पर भेज दिया जाता है । सेन्ट्रल प्रोसेसिंग यूनिट – सेन्ट्रल...

Thursday, 22 December 2016

10 Universal Android Tips and Tricks That You Should Know

10 Universal Android Tips and Tricks That You Should Know I’ll admit that my relationship with Android got off to a rocky start. My first smartphone was a Samsung Galaxy S Continuum, and it was so horrible that I bought an iPhone the instant my contract was up. Though my initial experience with Android was terrible, there’s no question that it’s improved by leaps and bounds over the years. I’ve experienced the awesome side of Google’s mobile OS firsthand in the form of the 2012 Nexus 7 tablet, which I received as a gift soon after its release....

Wednesday, 21 December 2016

JINA Apps Organizer

JINA Apps Organizer Install Just Installed Apps Organizer (JINA) helps you to keep in order your phone or your tablet next to your launcher. You don't have to change your favourite launcher because it doesn't sort apps chronologically or doesn't include a smart app search function or a T9 keypad: JINA works side by side with your preferred launcher..JINA automatically organizes apps using market info for categories and prices and it also features an advanced text search function designed to change the way you can search your installed apps.                      ...

JINA App Drawer & Sidebar

JINA App Drawer & Sidebar Install Are you looking for a faster app drawer replacement? Do you want a sidebar always accessible to switch applications quickly? Are you looking for an app organizer to automatically catalog your apps into tags and market categories? Your launcher is not effective when you search for an app? Are you tired of wasting time looking for an app that you had installed some time ago? Can't find the app you just installed? JINA is both, a quick App Drawer replacement and a Sidebar, designed to assist you to search, manage and catalog...

Maleficent Free Fall

Maleficent Free Fall     Install From the creators of Disney’s #1 hit game Frozen Free Fall comes an all-new match 3 puzzle-adventure, Maleficent Free Fall! Inspired by Disney’s epic live-action film Maleficent, you’ll embark on a spectacular journey with exciting and challenging objectives like you have never seen before! See what others are saying about Maleficent Free Fall:       Can't-Miss Apps: 'Maleficent Free Fall' and More. – Mashable‘Maleficent Free Fall’ is an absolutely success, taking what made its predecessor work so well and improving on it without introducing any negatives. – StitchKingdom A DARK TWIST ON MATCH...

Frozen Frenzy Mania – Match 3

Frozen Frenzy Mania – Match 3             Install Easy to learn, but difficult to master. Are you up for this SATISFYING CHALLENGE? Piper the Penguin and her friends need your help - they are hungry for ice cream! Match ice cream treats to solve challenges that are guaranteed to delight your sweet tooth! Break through cookie walls and multiplying jellies in this delicious adventure filled with tricky obstacles. Play the most challenging match-3 puzzle game in the Google Play Store! It's more addicting than ice cream!    SWEET FEATURES★ 500+ tasty levels with new levels...


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