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Saturday 24 December 2016

कम्प्यूटर की विशेषताएँ

6. कम्प्यूटर की विशेषताएँ

प्रत्येक कम्प्यूटर की कुछ सामान्य विशेषताएँ होती है । कम्प्यूटर केवल जोड करने वाली मशीन नही है यह कई जटिल कार्य करने मे सक्षम है।कम्प्यूटर की निम्न निशेषताएँ है। 
डिजिटल कम्प्यूटर केवल बायनरी डिजिट पर चलता है। यह केवल 0 एवं 1 की भाषा समझता है। आठ बिट के समूह को बाइट कहा जाता है । बिट की संख्या जिन्हे कम्प्यूटर एक समय मे क्रियान्वित करता है वर्ड लेंन्थ कहा जाता है । सामान्यतया उपयोग मे आने वाले वर्ड लेन्थ 8,16,32,64 आदि है। वर्ड लेन्थ के द्वारा कम्प्यूटर की शक्ति मापी जाती है।
कम्प्यूटर बहुत तेज गति से गणनाएँ करता है माइक्रो कम्प्यूटर मिलियन गणना प्रति सेकंड क्रियांवित करता है। 

संचित युक्ति
कम्प्यूटर की अपनी मुख्य तथा सहायक मेमोरी होती है। जो कि कम्प्यूटर को आंकडो को संचित करने मे सहायता करती है । कम्प्यूटर के द्वारा सुचनाओ को कुछ ही सेकंड मे प्राप्त किया जा सकता है । इस प्रकार आकडो को संचित करना एवं बिना किसी त्रुटि के सुचनाओ को प्रदान करना कम्प्यूटर की महत्वपूर्ण विशेषता है 
कम्प्यूटर बहुत ही शुद्ध मशीन है । यह जटिल से जटिल गणनाएँ बिना किसी त्रुटि के करता है ।
कम्प्यूटर एक वैविघ्यपूर्ण मशीन है यह सामान्य गणनाओ से लेकर जटिल से जटिल गणनाएँ करने मे सक्षम है । मिसाइल एवं उपग्रहो का संचालन इन्ही के द्वारा किया जाता है। दूसरे शब्दो मे हम कह सकते है कि कम्प्यूटर लगभग सभी कार्यो को कर सकता है एक कम्प्यूटर दूसरे कम्प्यूटर से सुचना का आदान प्रदान कर सकता है । कम्प्यूटर की आपस मे वार्तालाप करने की क्षमता ने आज ईंटरनेट को जन्म दिया है ।जो कि विश्व का सबसे बडा नेटवर्क है ।
कम्प्यूटर एक समय मे एक से अधिक कार्य करने मे सक्षम है ।
परिश्रमशीलता का अर्थ है कि बिना किसी रूकावट के कार्य करना । मानव जीवन थकान ,कमजोरी,सकेन्द्रण का आभाव आदि से पिडित रङता है।मनुष्य मे भावनाए ङोती है वे कभी खुश कभी दुखी होते है । इसलिए वे एक जैसा काम नही कर पाते है । परंतु कम्प्यूटर के साथ ऐसा नही है वह हर कार्य हर बार बहुत ही शुद्धता एवं यथार्थता से करता है .

कम्प्यूटर अपना काम कैसे करता है ?

5. कम्प्यूटर अपना काम कैसे करता है ?

दोस्तों आज हम सिखेंगे कम्प्यूटर अपना काम कैसे करता है ?
 1.इनपुट के साधन जैसे की-बोर्ड, माउस, स्कैनर आदि के द्वारा हम अपने निर्देश,प्रोग्राम तथा इनपुट डाटा प्रोसेसर को भेजते हैं ।
2.प्रोसेसर हमारे निर्देश तथा प्रोग्राम का पालन करके कार्य सम्पन्न करता है ।
3.भविष्य के प्रयोग के लिए सूचनाओं को संग्रह के माध्यमों जैसे हार्ड डिस्क, फ्लापी डिस्क आदि पर एकत्र किया जा सकता है ।
4.प्रोग्राम का पालन हो जाने पर आउटपुट को स्क्रीन, प्रिंटर आदि साधनों पर भेज दिया जाता है ।
सेन्ट्रल प्रोसेसिंग यूनिट – सेन्ट्रल प्रोसेसिंग यूनिट को हिन्दी में केन्द्रीय विश्लेषक इकाई भी कहा जाता है । इसके नाम से ही स्पष्ट है, यह कम्प्यूटर का वह भाग है, जहां पर कम्प्यूटर प्राप्त सूचनाओं का विश्लेषण करता है ।  सेन्ट्रल प्रोसेसिंग यूनिट (सी.पी.यू.) को पुनः तीन भागों में बांटा जा सकता है
1. कन्ट्रोल यूनिट
2. ए.एल.यू.
3. स्मृति

कन्ट्रोल यूनिट 
कन्ट्रोल यूनिट का कार्य कम्प्यूटर की इनपुट एवं आउटपुट युक्तियों को नियन्त्रण में रखना है । कन्ट्रोल यूनिट के मुख्य कार्य है –
1. सर्वप्रथम इनपुट युक्तियों की सहायता से सूचना/डेटा को कन्ट्रोलर तक लाना ।
2. कन्ट्रोलर द्वारा सूचना/डेटा को स्मृति में उचित स्थान प्रदान करना ।
3. स्मृति से सूचना/डेटा को पुनः कन्ट्रोलर में लाना एवं इन्हें ए.एल.यू. में भेजना ।
4. ए.एल.यू.से प्राप्त परिणामों को आउटपुट युक्तियों पर भेजना एवं स्मृति में उचित स्थान प्रदान करना ।
कम्प्यूटर की वह इकाई जहां सभी प्रकार की गणनाएं की जा सकती है, अर्थमेटिक एण्ड लॉजिकल यूनिट कहलाती है ।
किसी भी निर्देश, सूचना अथवा परिणाम को संचित करके रखना ही स्मृति कहलाता है । कम्प्यूटर के सी.पी.यू. में होने वाली समस्त क्रियायें सर्वप्रथम स्मृति में जाती है । तकनीकी रूप में मेमोरी कम्प्यूटर का कार्यकारी संग्रह है । मेमोरी कम्प्यूटर का अत्यधिक महत्वपूर्ण भाग है जहां डाटा, सूचना और प्रोग्राम प्रक्रिया के दौरान स्थित रहते हैं और आवश्यकता पड़ने पर तत्काल उपलब्ध होते हैं ।
इनपुट युक्ति
आमतौर पर की-बोर्ड एवं माउस है । इनपुट युक्ति एक नली के समान है जिसके द्वारा आँकडे एवं निर्देश कम्प्यूटर में प्रवेश करते है ।
आउटपुट युक्ति
मुख्य रूप से स्क्रीन एवं प्रिंटर इसका उदाहरण है । इसके अलावा वे सभी युक्ति जो आपको बताए की कम्प्यूटर ने क्या संपादित किया है आउटपुट युक्ति कहलाती है ।
संचित युक्ति
यह कम्प्यूटर मे स्थायी तौर पर बहुत अधिक मात्रा मे आंकडो को संचित करने की अनुमती प्रदान करता है । उदाहरण डिस्क ड्राइव, टेप ड्राइव ।

Thursday 22 December 2016

10 Universal Android Tips and Tricks That You Should Know

10 Universal Android Tips and Tricks That You Should Know

I’ll admit that my relationship with Android got off to a rocky start. My first smartphone was a Samsung Galaxy S Continuum, and it was so horrible that I bought an iPhone the instant my contract was up. Though my initial experience with Android was terrible, there’s no question that it’s improved by leaps and bounds over the years. I’ve experienced the awesome side of Google’s mobile OS firsthand in the form of the 2012 Nexus 7 tablet, which I received as a gift soon after its release. Since then, I’ve used it as an e-reader, gaming device, web browser, and more. In the process I’ve discovered a few useful Android related tips and tricks, some of which I’ve listed below!

1. Maintain it like a PC to improve performance.

While Android can do much more than iOS, it requires more horsepower and user finagling to run smoothly. You can’t do much about upgrading your smartphone or tablet’s processor (barring a new purchase), but you can take the time to optimize what you have. Much like a PC, Android devices need to be tuned up now and again. There are several apps that can assist you in this, like All-In-One Toolbox. Even without that app though, you can do stuff like deleting old, unused apps, removing widgets you don’t use, and ending unnecessary processes on your own. To do that last one (the concept of which is much like ending processes through control + alt + delete on a PC), go to settings, apps, running, and manually end anything taking up too much RAM memory.

2. Take advantage Android’s customization potential.

3. Ensure your device gets back to you if you lose it.

There’s no surefire way to guarantee you’ll ever see your phone or tablet again if you leave it out in public by accident. That being said, you can improve the chances of it being returned to you by editing your security settings. Go to settings, then security, then owner info. There you’ll see a little box where you can type in contact information that will show up on your lockscreen. This will make it easier for a good Samaritan to return a lost device to its rightful owner.

4. Carry around multiple batteries.

This tip isn’t quite as universal as it used to be since many Android manufacturers like HTC are taking a page out of Apple’s book and disallowing you from swapping batteries. Still, this will work if you own a Samsung device, which most Android users have. It’s pretty simple: if you buy multiple batteries, charge them up, and store them in your backpack or briefcase, you can ensure that your phone will never run out of power. All you’ll have to do is take out your battery when it’s dead and swap in a new one. This way, you won’t have to rely on wall sockets, which is useful if you travel a lot.

5. Make your phone harder to break into than Fort Knox.

Reader warning: don’t do this one unless you’re really afraid of your phone’s information being stolen. To permanently encrypt your Android device, go to settings, security, encryption, and tap “Encrypt phone.” You’ll then be required to create a pin, which you’ll enter every time you turn your phone on (in order to decrypt it). This is like the unlock code on an iPhone, except way more drastic. Usually it will take about an hour for your device to encrypt itself, and it can only be undone through a factory reset. Only do this if you have sensitive information, or want your phone to be as secure as humanly possible. Be aware that encrypting your information will slow down how fast you can access it.

6. Test out different launchers.

If you have an Android phone, you can use these things called “launchers,” which are essentially apps that allow you to make drasticedits to your device’s homescreen. The most popular one is probably Nova Launcher, which will allow you to change just about everything you can think of. There are several other launchers out there too, and you can play around with them until you find one you like. Often, they can make your phone perform faster than they would with the clunky interfaces that companies like Samsung and HTC give them.

7. Say “Ok, Google” to start a search from any screen.

It’s the 21st century and we’re all busy 24/7. Cut down on the time it takes to manually search for things by doing it with your voice. To activate vocal control over Google searches, go to your apps page and find the Google app. Tap it (it should take you to Google Now), and scroll down until you see the settings icon on the bottom right. Hit that and select “Voice.” Then, tap on “Ok Google Detection” and activate the “From any screen” setting. Now you’ll be able to start a Google search from any screen on your phone simply by speaking the phrase, “Ok, Google.”

8. Access the hidden developer options.

To really get a sense of how customizable Android is, activate the “secret” developer mode. Go to settings, about phone, and click on “build number” seven times. Your device should tell you something like “you’re now a developer!” It’s all very Easter Egg-esque. Once that’s done, return to system settings, and with luck you’ll now see something entitled “developer options.” One of the cool things you can do here is reduce the time it takes for animations to execute, thereby making your phone feel snappier. Do this by going to the “animation scale” options and turning them off (you can make them take longer too, but I don’t see why you would want that). There are plenty of other sweet customizations you can do on this page, but don’t go too crazy unless you know what you’re doing.

9. See useful information on your lock screen.

You probably know by now that you can put widgets on your homescreen, but did you know you can do the same for your lockscreen? This means that you won’t have to unlock your phone anymore if all you want is to see some basic information. To do this, go to settings, security, and tap “enable widgets.” Then, go to the lockscreen and swipe left. You should see a big “+” sign. Hit that and you’ll be taken to a screen where you can select widgets to place on your lockscreen. Put anything from your e-mail to Google Now there in order to see stuff like weather, new messages, etc.

10. You aren’t tied to the Google Play store.

OK, well, you sort of are, but you can download other app stores like Amazon’s if you want to. Indeed, I highly suggest you do so because they are always offering insane deals to try and rip you away from Google’s warm embrace. One of these is their “App of the Day,” in which Amazon offers up a free app to entice you to spend more time in their store. If you’re lucky, you’ll be able to save lots of money using these promotions, as at times they’ll put up apps for free that cost several dollars on Google Play.

Wednesday 21 December 2016

JINA Apps Organizer

JINA Apps Organizer


Just Installed Apps Organizer (JINA) helps you to keep in order your phone or your tablet next to your launcher. 
You don't have to change your favourite launcher because it doesn't sort apps chronologically or doesn't include a smart app search function or a T9 keypad: JINA works side by side with your preferred launcher.
JINA automatically organizes apps using market info for categories and prices and it also features an advanced text search function designed to change the way you can search your installed apps. 


With Just Installed Apps Organizer you can transform the app search routine into a blazing fast experience, even faster if you try the T9 app search function.
Automatic app categories and app prices are localized in every language supported by Google Play.
Jina gathers some useful statistics like installations, updates, uninstalls, usage count ad more, make it easy to share apps and reminds you how much you spend for your apps. 
Main Features
- apps finder and launcher with app search by name and apps categories and price filters
- T9 app search
- system keyboard app search
- automatic apps organizer by categories and groups (apps, games, free, paid)
- apps statistics: installations frequency, paid apps vs free apps ratio, apps installation history chart and more
- apps expense report
- customizable app list sort criteria (favourite apps first, last installed, last updated, last used, most used, less used)
- advanced filters: app groups (apps, games), payed apps, uninstalled apps, not launchable apps ((widgets, unlocker etc.) and more...
- app origin detection (Google Play, Amazon App-Shop, Samsung Apps)
- apps lifecycle tracking (installations, updates, uninstalls)
- app details including app prices
- share apps function
- favourite apps
- home screen shortcuts creation
- widgets: app search and app expense report
- uninstalled apps history
XDA Thread for support, suggestions and new features:


JINA App Drawer & Sidebar

JINA App Drawer & Sidebar


Are you looking for a faster app drawer replacement?
Do you want a sidebar always accessible to switch applications quickly?
Are you looking for an app organizer to automatically catalog your apps into tags and market categories?
Your launcher is not effective when you search for an app?
Are you tired of wasting time looking for an app that you had installed some time ago?
Can't find the app you just installed?

JINA is both, a quick App Drawer replacement and a Sidebar, designed to assist you to search, manage and catalog your apps either automatically or by custom tags. 
Some features:
★ organize and sort apps by size, update date, usage frequency, name, install date, last event, app store origin
★ quick launch sidebar, resizable and always accessible for multitasking and app search
★ fully customizable app drawer replacement
★ customizable home screen icon
★ automatic app organizer for android
★ custom labels and app store categories based apps organizer
★ dynamic app folders on the home screen
★ totally customizable desktop folders
★ random game picker
★ apk export and share
★ fast app search, also with a T9 keyboard
★ apps uninstaller for rooted devices
★ the perfect appdrawer for MIUI roms

Full description :
For support and features requests :

Maleficent Free Fall

Maleficent Free Fall


From the creators of Disney’s #1 hit game Frozen Free Fall comes an all-new match 3 puzzle-adventure, Maleficent Free Fall! Inspired by Disney’s epic live-action film Maleficent, you’ll embark on a spectacular journey with exciting and challenging objectives like you have never seen before!
See what others are saying about Maleficent Free Fall:   
Can't-Miss Apps: 'Maleficent Free Fall' and More. – Mashable
‘Maleficent Free Fall’ is an absolutely success, taking what made its predecessor work so well and improving on it without introducing any negatives. – StitchKingdom
A DARK TWIST ON MATCH 3 – Switch and slide the board of enchanted gemstones to create matches of 3 or more as you trigger cascading combos and conquer original objectives!
EVIL HAS A BEGINNING – Begin your first chapter as young Maleficent, journey through the map to explore the untold story, unlock her raven, Diaval and discover MANY other mysterious surprises!
THE POWER OF MALEFICENT – Cast Maleficent’s green magic to instantly vanish the same color gemstones, call upon Diaval to swoop down and rearrange the board, or cast tendrils of thorns to clear entire rows and columns! Unlock more unique power-ups along the way and experience Maleficent’s fierce desire for revenge!
Maleficent Free Fall is free to play but some in-game items may require payment. Visit for matching game tips, news and more! Don’t forget to see Disney’s Maleficent, in theaters - check your local listings for showtimes!
Before you download this experience, please consider that this app contains in-app purchases that cost real money, as well as advertising for The Walt Disney Family of Companies and some third parties. This app accesses your contact information to enable you to easily communicate with your contacts. You can upload and save content from this app to your device


Explore new Chapters in the Book of Moors and complete 60 Magical new levels!
Try to clear the water from the board placed there by the mystical Water Orb!
Winter has once again come upon the land of Moors. Explore the wonder of winter throughout the game!

Frozen Frenzy Mania – Match 3

Frozen Frenzy Mania – Match 3


Easy to learn, but difficult to master. Are you up for this SATISFYING CHALLENGE?
Piper the Penguin and her friends need your help - they are hungry for ice cream! Match ice cream treats to solve challenges that are guaranteed to delight your sweet tooth! Break through cookie walls and multiplying jellies in this delicious adventure filled with tricky obstacles. Play the most challenging match-3 puzzle game in the Google Play Store! It's more addicting than ice cream!

★ 500+ tasty levels with new levels added every week
★ 4 Game Modes that will keep you craving for more! Scoop a Super Sundae or uncover gummy fish bites
★ Addictively tasty combos and power-ups to boost your high score: Rainbow Pop, Mega Scoop, Whipped Cream, and more
★ Explore a yummy world with mouth-watering ice cream landscapes
★ Compete against your Facebook friends and other players around the globe
★ Crush the competition in weekly Tasty Tournaments and win special prizes like gems, boosters, and unlimited lives
Join in the fun and take on the ultimate match-3 challenge with Frozen Frenzy Mania!
Love Frozen Frenzy Mania? Learn about other Storm8 games.
Instagram: @Storm8


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